Regional News of Monday, 1 February 2010

Source: GNA

Awe Secondary School gets ICT centre

Navrongo (UE), Feb. 01, GNA- The Upper East Regional Minister, Mr Ma= rk Woyongo, at the weekend, inaugurated an Information Communication Technol= ogy (ICT) Center and library complex at the Awe Senior High School at Navrong= o in the Upper East Region. Mr Woyongo said ICT played a major role in promoting productivity, s= uch as selling and buying and enhancing effective communication, and said, in spite of the numerous benefits derived from the use of ICT, its negative impact on society cannot be ruled out. The Minister indicated that the acquisition of knowledge through ICT and indeed education in general could salvage mankind from his woes and t= hat there was the need for every individual to give attention to it for the development of society.

Mr Woyongo appealed to the students to take their studies seriously, adding that, education was the backbone of most developed countries and mentioned countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, China, and Japan as countries that have realized speedy developm= ent through education. The District Chief Executive for the Kassena-Nankana East, Mr Emmanu= el Andema called on development partners to support government's effort in providing the needed infrastructural facilities to boost teaching and learning in educational institutions in the country. Mr Andema said modern development trends indicates that ICT could be= an area that when adequately tapped, would speed up the socio-economic development of society. The Headmaster of the school, Mr Paul Agyoriba, said even though individual philanthropists such as Mr Scott Pwamang, a legal practitioner and philanthropic organizations like Ghana Outlook, a non-governmental organization have donated items to the development of the school, much is needed for the completion of some projects in the school. Mr Agyoriba called on government to provide the school with logistic= s to enhance academic performance and said the lack of these logistics continuously affect academic work. He mentioned the lack of means of transport, the absence of effectiv= e teaching and learning materials, the need for teacher motivation, accommodation for teachers and classrooms as some of the problems confronting the school.
