Regional News of Sunday, 10 April 2005

Source: GNA

Be circumspect of false preachers and pastors

Agona Swedru, April 10, GNA - The Former Principal of the Ghana Bible College in Kumasi, Elder Samuel Boahene Obeng, has urged Christians against false prophecies to enable them to withstand temptation.

He said the second coming of Jesus Christ was near and advised preachers especially those on the FM Radio and Television stations and buses just to make ends meet to desist from the practice. Speaking at the ordination of two Elders and Eight Deacons of the Agona Swedru branch of Church of Christ, he said the false teachings by some religious leaders was detrimental to the spiritual development of their congregations.

He asked the religious leaders to refrain from making money the influence of their ministry instead of the word of God. Elder Obeng asked them to work harder than before to promote evangelism to win more souls and advised the new elders and deacons to lead life worthy of emulation.

They should also desist from teachings, which did not conform to biblical studies, adding that, they should not Lord it over the members and to become dictators because of their new roles.

He called on the new elders and deacons to cooperate with members of the Church to assist them to achieve their objectives.

Elder Obeng appealed to the Agona Swedru branch of the Church to honour the sons and daughters of Late Elder John Gadu who brought the Church to Ghana, who hailed from Agona Nkum in the District.

The Preacher in Charge of the Agona Swedru Church of Christ, Preacher Lawrence Ebo Oddom, said Rev Kobina Oboo then a staff of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation who was baptised and transferred to Sweedru established the Church in 1973 at Agona Swedru with 10 members. He said the church had created four ministries, namely Rural Evangelism, Deaf Ministry, Campus Ministry and Radio Ministry. Preacher Odoom announced that the church had acquired land to construct new auditorium.

This is the first in the history of the Agona Swedru branch and second in the Central Region that elders and deacons had been ordained in the Church and urged the members to support them to assist the Church to grow.

Elder Essien on behalf of the new Elders and Deacons expressed their gratitude to God for their positions and pledged that they would work harder than before.

He appealed to the congregation to assist them to initiate programmes to improve both the spiritual and physical welfare of the Church.

Preachers and some members who had assisted the Church in various ways were honoured.

They are Elders Nicholas Nkrumah Essien and Robert Quansah, Deacons C K Boye, Williams Yirenkye, Emmanuel Ablordeppey, Williams Tandoh, George Dometey, S S Adu Safo, Frank Adams and Samuel Amoah.
