Regional News of Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Source: GNA

Beneficiaries of British government scholarship hold summit

Accra, May 16, GNA - Mr Ernest Kwesi Okoh, Managing Director of DANNEX Pharmaceutical Services, on Wednesday called on Ghanaians to take advantage of situation that would bring about the needed changes in the society.

Speaking on the topic: "Stepping up to Leadership" at a seminar organized by Chevening Scholars, a club of about 180 people who were beneficiaries of British government scholarship scheme, he said leadership was not about positions but the ability to bring about effective changes for the benefit of the society. He called on the Chevening Scholars to do all they could to sharpen their managerial skills and show people the right ways of doing things. "You are not really a Chevening until you make a difference. Investments have been made in you and good returns are expected. Stand out at your workplaces and make a difference," he said. The vice president of Databank Assets Management Service, Mrs Evelyn Ofosu Darko, who spoke on the topic: "Stepping Up To Leadership: Is There a Glass Ceiling for Ghanaian Women," said women could break any glass which served as stumbling block to their progress by first and foremost developing an attitude which would urge them on to help themselves under any circumstance and not to be intimidated. She said women naturally had the flair for influencing people, were very sensitive to issues and also very good communicators and urged them to use these attributes to influence decisions, which would have negative effects on the society.

Mrs. Ofosu Darko noted that women could be free from unnecessary stress by having flexible working hours, being allowed to work from home by the use of the computer when the need arose and also having a helpful spouse. 16 May 07