Regional News of Monday, 6 April 2020

Source: Richard Owusu Nyarko, Contributor

COAYPG commends Akufo Addo, John Mahama in fight against coronavirus

President Akufo-Addo and John Dramani Mahama President Akufo-Addo and John Dramani Mahama

The Congress of Amansie Young Professionals Group (COAYPG) has expressed their gratitude to the president of Ghana, Nana Addo Danquah Akufo Addo for his strategic implementation of sound policies aimed at confronting head-on, the Coronavirus.

The group said not only has the policies been productive at reducing the rate of spread but has also contributed to raising awareness of how deadly the pandemic could be.

According to the group, it sees the rapid response and enthusiasm from the president very timely and commendable in this unfortunate time. Being difficult as this time portends, the group acknowledges the sterling leadership of the president.

The group further wants to thank former president John Dramani Mahama for also setting up a team to augment what the president is doing. His generous contributions of PPES, medical consumables etc to frontline workers during such season is highly commendable the group said.

According to the group's director of communications, Lawyer Elvis Ampadu, the non-partisan approach in confronting this common enemy exudes political maturity and conveys the natural attitude of unison and commonality of the Ghanaian people in fighting this pandemic to achieve a greater result for Ghanaians. He states that this is not the time for politicians to plan on achieving political favour out of this intricate times in the life of Ghanaians. “The virus is no respecter of persons and let us all work to fight this together whiles we protect our people”, he stated.

Congress of Amansie young professionals group is a group of professionals like doctors, engineers, teachers, lawyers, bankers, accountants etc and businessmen from Bekwai and its environs who have come together with a common aim of helping in the development of the youth in Amansie especially Bekwai and its environs.