Regional News of Thursday, 21 April 2011

Source: GNA

CWSA orientates assembly members on water/ sanitation projects

Nsuaem Kyekyewere C/R), April 21, GNA - Members of the Assin South District Assembly were given a day's orientation workshop on Wednesday on how to strategise and access facilities being provided under the 93Sustainable Rural Water And Sanitation Project (SRWSP)." The SRWSP is being carried out in seven regions in the country with financial support from the International Development Agency of the World Bank. 13 districts in the Central Region would be provided with some 200 boreholes, eight small towns water supply systems and eight mechanised water supply systems, and Institutional KVIPs within the next six years.

The aim of the workshop organised by the Regional office of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) was to equip the Assembly Members and other stakeholders with the necessary skills and processes to access and sustain the SRWSP project for the developmental transformation of the district, at Nsuaem Kyekyewere. Mrs Sabina Appiah Kubi, District Chief Executive in a speech read on her behalf said her district was zealous and committed to access the facilities and would ensure that the projects were smoothly implemented to better the lot of the people.

She indicated that despite numerous assistances from development partners, including the European Union, DANIDA and UNICEF and Government's interventions water supply was still inadequate in the district.

She called on the people to appreciate the concept of community ownership and management the emphasis on the SRWS Projects to ensure their sustainability.

Mrs Dorcas Hutchful Aidoo, Assistant Director at the Regional Co-ordinating Council encouraged assembly members to partner the CSWA towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals for water and sanitation in the district.

She added that the project was not supply driven but demand responsive, making it access competitive and tasked the participants to work harder to secure the contract for the area. Mrs Pauline Abrefi Oppong, Extension Services Specialist of the CWSA noted that the viability and sustainability of the project rests on how well the project would be monitored and controlled as well as the conduct of proper accountability to ensure its sustenance. She also urged the participants to promote and monitor hygiene and sanitation activities by putting in place some interventions to ensure the creation of a congenial environment.

Mr Yaw Afriyie Accountant of CSWA took the participants through the process of releasing funds for the project and how to manage challenges with regards to funds for the project.

Mr Johnson Esuman, District Director of Non Formal Education who chaired the workshop urged the Assembly Members to prioritise the development of their communities by embracing the SRWSP, which aimed at providing clean potable water to the people.
