Regional News of Friday, 6 February 2009

Source: GNA

Caring Kids donates books for JSS Reading Clubs

Dormaa-Ahenkro (B/A) Feb. 6, GNA - The Founder and Executive Director of Caring Kids International, a Non-Governmental Organisation, Nana Akosua Frimpongmaa, has commissioned 5,000 assorted textbooks to be distributed among reading clubs soon to be formed in selected Junior High Schools in the Dormaa Municipality.

Nana Frimpongmaa, who is the Dwantuahemaa for the Dormaa Traditional Area, had earlier distributed toys and biscuits to kids and 450 pieces of wax print to widows and the aged as their Christmas gifts. As part of the reading club project, selected patrons have been trained and equipped to establish the clubs and make them successful. Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Dormaa-Ahenkro, the queen mother explained that her desire to push up the level of reading among school children was motivated by some embarrassing instances she encountered with children in JHS Three who could not read simple sentences in primary school books.

Nana Frimpongmaa said because much work was not done on the pupils at the basic level, the students were compelled to do additional learning at the secondary level thus placing them under stress. She said it was time to lay the right foundations from the primary schools to ensure consistency and comprehensive graduation in children's learning processes.

"I believe that quality teaching and learning should not be restricted to teachers and their students but the entire society must be seen to be part of the process," the queen mother stressed. Nana Frimpongmaa disclosed that special rewards awaited individual pupils, clubs and patrons who excelled in the reading clubs project. 06 Feb. 09
