Regional News of Friday, 5 August 2016


Chief banishes Ahinsan Estate Assemblyman from town

The Assembly member for the Ahinsan Estate electoral Area in the Ashanti region has been exiled from the enclave for disrespecting Chiefs and Elders of the area.

He's been served a notice by the traditional authority to vacate the area within two weeks after a resolution was passed declaring him persona nongrata.

A statement issued by the traditional authorities and communicating the decision against Nana Yaw Wiredu said the member by his deeds is undermining the authority of the Chief and his Elders and also leveled charges of financial malfeasance against him.

“The Assembly member had pocketed an amount of Ghc 15,000.00 out of GHC25.000.00 which was given to him by the Aduana Stool land of Ahinsan purposely for a construction of a bore hole and a public toilet for the community”, the statement disclosed.

The statement indicated the behavior of the assemblyman, is completely at variance with Ashanti custom,traditions,norms and practices, hence the decision to evoke such punishment against him.

Below is the full statement



The chief Nana Dwumahene Akoana lll and His stool Elders of Ahinsan Estate electoral area after deliberating on the behavior and receiving letter from the leadership of the Residents Association leveling charges against the Assembly member of the area Hon.Nana Yaw Wiredu, has concluded to have had enough from Him so have declared him ( Hon.Nana Yaw Wiredu )," as Persona nongrata".

Their grievances include

1. The Assembly member had pocketed an amount of Ghc 15,000.00 out of GHc 25.000.00 which was given to him by the Aduana Stool land of Ahinsan purposely for a construction of a bore hole and a public toilet for the community.

2.He lied against the chief and the stool elders that, they have not giving him any money personally for any project but is the chief who is rather understaking a bore hole project for the community at a cost of GHc 10.000.00 whiles is him who is ushering the project ,for they had handed to him all the money personally for the toilet and bore hole projects.

3. He have no respect for the chief ,stool elders and the community leaders . He has refused to honor their invitations.

4. He has taken the advantage of his membership with kumasi Planning Committee as representative of the Ahinsan Estate community at the Kumasi Metro Assembly to rezone a portion of an Ancestral land within the community without the known of the chief ,the stool elders as well as the leadership of the community.

5. He has disrespectfully refused to show to the chief and his stool elders his unit committee members in spite of persistent demands as his counterpart at Ahinsan has complied.

Nana Dwumahene Akoana lll and his stool elders emphasized angrily that the behavior of the assemblyman Nana Yaw Wiredu is completely at variance with Ashanti custom,traditions,norms and practices .In a point of fact that they have taken a serious view of his behavior and they can say he has put a slur on the stool as it has damaged the integrity of the stool elders as he keeps undermining the authority of the chief , the time has come for the stool to deal with him appropriately .

We have declared him persona nongrata at Ahinsan Estate Electoral Area so he is to vacate within two weeks period , ” I will without hesitation ,as custom demands invoke customary rites to barnish him if he refuses to vacate my stool land ,stressed the chief “.

Signed by the Chief .