Regional News of Saturday, 15 April 2006

Source: GNA

Christian Divine Church Celebrates National Easter Convention

Tarkwa (W/R), April 15, GNA - An estimated twelve thousand (12,000) members of Christian Divine Church assembled at Cyanide Park at Tarkwa, to celebrate Easter Convention.

The four-day Convention brought together branches of the Church throughout Ghana to its headquarters at Tarkwa. It was on the theme: "Restoration of my people".

Preaching the sermon, Prophet Amos Mensah, Chairman of the Church, said the death of Christ signified the completion of the suffering of mankind and those who would believe in him would have their freedom. He said his chastisement marked the end of disgrace, sicknesses and bondage and had brought in its stead redemption, salvation and deliverance to mankind.

Referring to the reason for Jesus Christ coming to earth, Apostle Mensah said, God created man in his own image but later found man to be ruled by lies, theft and deceit among other things, and God in his wisdom sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem mankind from the bondage of sin.

For Jesus to say it was finished, he said, indicated the end of the suffering of mankind. What was remaining, The Apostle who interspersed his sermon with songs of praise said, was for mankind to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ where joy devoid of pain, sickness and worry among other things could be found.

In a word of ministration, Senior Pastor Joseph Kofi Awuah said, God bequeathed to mankind the legacy, which was taken away by Satan but with the death of his son, Jesus Christ the legacy had been restored leading to mankind's freedom in the world. He said Easter Friday was a great day because God exhibited his love by giving His son Jesus Christ to die in order for mankind to be saved.

Pastor Awuah called on Christians to support church leaders in the promotion of God's work. He told them not to sit on the fence but to get themselves involved in all the activities of the Church because God ordained it. 15 April 06
