Regional News of Monday, 16 February 2004

Source: GNA

Committee to oversee December elections formed by DDSC

Dormaa-Ahenkro (B/A), Feb. 16, GNA - A seven-member committee has been formed by the Dormaa District Security Committee (DDSC) to oversee the smooth running of the December elections in the District.

The committee, headed by the district Immigration Officer, Mr Emmanuel Opata, will ensure that the polls are violent free by educating members of the various political parties to be tolerant and avoid conflict and confrontational situations.

Mr Emmanuel Duku, Dormaa District Chief Executive, inaugurated the committee at a meeting of the District Security Committee at Dormaa-Ahenkro.

He said experience had shown that problems, squabbles, conflicts and confrontations often cropped up during electioneering campaigns. The DCE appealed to the parties to educate their members on the need to ensure peace during the exercise and urged the committee to use the local FM station to sensitise the people to ensure successful elections.