Regional News of Monday, 10 August 2020

Source: Ofori Frimpong, Contributor

Consider Health Facilities in rural areas when donating PPEs - Kwabena Frimpong appeals to Philanthropists

Kumasi Youth Association General Secretary, Kwabena Frimpong Kumasi Youth Association General Secretary, Kwabena Frimpong

The General Secretary of a developments oriented youth group based in the Ashanti Regional capital, Kumasi, known as Kumasi Youth Association (KuYA) has passionately appealed to Philanthropists in Ghana and the world at large to kindly consider health facilities in the rural areas when donating Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic

Mr Kwabena Frimpong made this passionate appeal on Boss FM's Friday morning show hosted by the indefatigable legendary Wofa Kofi Appiah where he is a regular panel member to discuss Kumasi (Asantaman) development and issues of national interest.

The dynamic and vociferous young man said "Wofa, I will appeal to all Philanthropists donating PPEs to kindly consider those facilities in rural communities because the over-concentration of donations to facilities in our bigger cities is becoming one too many to the neglect of health Centers and CHPS compound in the hinterland. We need to make an equal or equitable distribution of the PPEs we are donating as the lives of the rural folks also matter", he cried.

"All Staff of these health facilities are also prone to the disease and seriously need PPEs to protect themselves from contracting the virus, thereby enabling them to take good care of our family and friends in the rural communities. Wofa, everyone hails from a village or rural area so let's consider them because they are also suffering in acquiring PPEs" Mr Frimpong further added.

He revealed that "most health workers in our rural health facilities use nose mask made from cloth and wash them daily for reuse. These nose masks have not yet received any scientific approval to protect them from the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. Even though, Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) has earlier warned all its members not to use the nose masks made with cloth but they have no other option than to use them due to non-availability of N95 or approved nose masks and other PPEs."

Mr. Frimpong, therefore, believes that inadequate PPEs at the rural areas health centres could put the lives of those health workers at a high risk of contracting the virus in the course of saving lives. If the lives in the city matters then respectfully that of the rural folks cannot be looked down upon.