Regional News of Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Source: Daniel Kaku, Contributor

Coronavirus: Glotex Enterprise CEO supports over 1,000 widows with assorted food items

Some of the beneficiaries going for the items Some of the beneficiaries going for the items

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Glotex Enterprise, a private trading organization, Madam Gloria Owusu has supported over 1,000 widows with some assorted food items to survive during the lockdown period.

The items included; bags of rice, oil, alcoholic-based hand sanitizers, canned fish, tin tomatoes, which worth GHC31,000.

Madam Gloria aside donating to the widows, she has fed over 2,000 vulnerable people including the Kayayei's being kept at Baiden Powel Hall in Accra by the Government.

She started this on the first day of the lockdown and had continued till now.

In a telephone conversation with Daniel Kaku, Madam Gloria Owusu pledged to extend her gesture to the entire lockdown areas until the period was over.

She stated that she was doing this gesture not to score any political gains or whatsoever because she was not a politician.

"I am doing this not on political grounds because I don't have any political ambitions but I am doing this because of where I have grown from, because I come from poor family so if today God has lifted me up to this stage then I have to support our widows and vulnerable during this hard time, she said.

She, therefore seized the opportunity of encouraging the vulnerable to work hard because there was a light at the end of the tunnel.

Madam Gloria Owusu is a philanthropist who also usually donates to the Nsawam Female Prison inmates.

Ghana has so far, recorded confirmed cases with 8 deaths of Coronavirus pandemic.