Regional News of Wednesday, 28 September 2005

Source: GNA

DCE appeals to departments to coordinate activities

Hohoe, Sept 28, GNA - Mr John Peter Amewu, Hohoe District Chief Executive, has urged decentralized departments in the district to harmonize and coordinate their activities to speed up development at the grass root level.

"Working in isolation will only thwart the national effort and disband the decentralization process," he said. Mr Amewu was addressing heads of Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) operating in the district to solicit information toward preparing a comprehensive action plan for the district's growth and development.

He advised the MDAs to minimize waste and set prudent standards and values to boost productivity in the district.

Mr Amewu told them to be punctual, to take the initiative and responsibilities and allow channels of communications to work. The MDAs complained that the yearly cuts in their financial resources was incapacitating their operations and preventing them from meeting targets.

They enumerated lack of residential and sometimes office accommodation, inadequate logistics, including means of transport and communication equipment as factors militating against their output.