Regional News of Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Source: GNA

Don't delay funeral rites of Chiefs unnecessarily - Paramount Chief

Bongo, (UE) June 22, GNA - Naba Baba Salifu Aleemyaroom, the Paramou nt Chief of the Bongo Traditional Area, in the Upper East Region, has urged Kingmakers in his region not to unduly delay the funeral rites of chiefs. Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in Bongo, the Paramount Chief state d the undue delay of the rites was one of the causes of chieftaincy problem s in the area.

He indicated that apart from causing conflicts, the situation also retarded development since there would be no clear leader to champion effective development for the area. He, therefore, impressed upon the Kingmakers and the elders to timely perform the funeral rites of chiefs, always, to pave way for peace and development, adding that the funerals of some chiefs who died six or seve n years ago in the region were still pending. According to him, since his enskinment as paramount chief, in 2006, h e had enthroned about 11 chiefs and elevated some divisional chiefs as seni or divisional chiefs. He urged paramount chiefs in the other areas to do same for their deserving subordinates to ensure fairness, harmony and peace.