Regional News of Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Source: GNA

Drivers are not the only causes of road accidents - DSP Ayisi

Tema, May 31, GNA - The National Road Safety Committee has observed that drivers were not the only causes of road accidents but pedestrians and other road users also contributed to their occurrence. The carelessness and ignorance of road safety measures by pedestrians accounted for their contribution to road accidents in the country.

Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Prosper Ayisi, Chairman of the Tema Road Safety Committee (TRSC) who made the observation said, "Drivers are always blamed for the carnage on our roads, but most accidents are also caused by reckless pedestrians, other road users and their ignorance for road safety measures."

Educating 594 pupils of the Tema Community seven number one and two primary schools on road safety, he pointed out that cyclists riding in the middle of streets instead of the bicycle lane and pedestrians preferring to cross the road outside pedestrian crossing could cause road accidents.

DSP Ayisi said 70 per cent of road accidents that had occurred in the country over the years involved pedestrians out of which 42 per cent had been with truck pushers and cyclists while 25 per cent involved children below 16 years.

He noted that, Tema Manhean and Ashaiman were road accident-prone areas within the Tema Municipality because most of the road accidents that involved pedestrians occurred in these areas when the residents cross the roads indiscriminately.

Giving the pupils some road safety tit bits, he said they must always cross roads at pedestrian crossing, traffic lights and at places where there was a traffic warden.

He asked them to wear bright colours during the evenings and cross at places with enough illumination to avoid being knocked down by an on coming vehicle.

DSP Ayisi called on pedestrians to always walk briskly and quickly to cross roads instead of running.

Mrs Rebecca Asembri, Executive Director of Safe Roads For Us, an NGO, said school pupils played a crucial role to help curb road deaths and injuries being the future generation of motorists. She therefore, urged the pupils to discuss the importance of road safety measures with their parents, siblings and peers. Mrs Asembri said the programme was organised in collaboration with TRSC to create awareness among school children and pupils about the importance of road traffic rules and regulations. 31 May 06
