Regional News of Friday, 12 January 2007

Source: GNA

Essikado Traditional Area remembers pre-independence heroes

Essikado (W/R), Jan 12, GNA - Nana Kobina Nketsia V, the Chief Executive Officer of the Nana Kobina Nketsia IV Trust, a non-governmental organisation (NGO), said the selfless courage of Ghana's colonial citizens should motivate the present generation to defend the country irrespective of the circumstances.

He said the zeal of those who fought for independence did not decline even though many of them lost their lives and properties. Nana Nketsia said this at a press conference in commemoration of the arrest and imprisonment of Nana Kobina Nketsia IV, late Omanhene of Essikado, on January 13, 1950.

The Nana Kobina Nketsia IV Trust, which aims at propagating the ideals of the late chief during the non-violent civil disobedience campaign dubbed "Positive Action", organized it.

He said the older people in society must pass on oral history to enable the youth to value the efforts of the men and women who fought for independence.

"Self-sacrifice, patriotism, nationalism self-recognition and the idea of living and dying for the nation should still be upheld." "The independence struggle reminds the people of Essikado of the humiliation, anger, sadness and torture of many prominent citizens of the town including their chief."

Nana Kobina Nketsia said his predecessor, several members of the Railway Employees Union, Enginemen's Union, Essikado Youth Association and the Ghana Unemployed Workers Association defended their territory irrespective of the consequences.

Nana Nketsia, who is the Omanhene of Essikado Traditional Area, mentioned George Alfred Grant, alias Pa Grant, R.S. Blay, Abongo Duncan, Ama Nkrumah and Margaret Twum as some of the heroes who led the crusade for Ghana's independence.

He said Nana Kobina Nketsia III defied the British in 1947 and directed that a gong-gong be beaten that Empire Day celebrations should cease in his traditional area.

Nana Nketsia said the defiance of the people of Essikado compelled the British to change the name of the town from British Sekondi to Essikado.

He expressed regret that in spite of the several efforts by these individuals towards the independence of the country, there are no monuments in the country to honour them.

The final funeral rites of Nana Kobnina Nketsia IV would be held and the commemoration will be organized annually to serve as a tourism event.

Nana Kobina Nketsia said plans were underway to establish a museum in honour of Pobee Biney and other nationalists while the residence of Pa Grant would be converted into a nationalist home. He called on all communities, chiefs and regions to organize events in their respective areas in honour of their past heroes.