Regional News of Thursday, 26 November 2020

Source: GNA

FDA launches 'operation consumer-one officer' campaign

File Photo: Food and Drugs Authority File Photo: Food and Drugs Authority

The Bono, Bono East and Ahafo Regional office of the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) on Wednesday launched its operation "one consumer-one officer" campaign at Goaso, the Ahafo Regional capital.

The campaign is aimed at sensitizing the public on the need to check for the expiry dates of food, consumables and other products before buying.

This is to ensure that products, goods and services in the various markets in the three regions were of quality, safe and wholesome.

Under the campaign, officers of the Authority would engage and interact one-on-one with the public on issues ranging from food safety, consumption, cosmetics, canned products, drugs and medical devices.

Ms Akua Amponsaa Owusu, the Bono, Bono East and Ahafo Regional Director of the FDA explained the campaign would enable the Authority to get rid of expired and unwholesome products in various market places.

Speaking at a short ceremony held at the Goaso market, Ms Owusuaa said the campaign was also in line with the Public Health Act, 2012 (Act 851) which emphasised the importance to intensify market surveillance to enhance public safety.

"It is always critical as a consumer to be concern and check the manufacturing and expiry dates of products they buy for their own safety", she said.

Mr. Christopher Effah Anane, a Regulatory Officer advised food vendors to ensure that they sold under items under good sanitary environment and also ensure personal hygiene.