Regional News of Friday, 2 April 2004

Source: GNA

Farmers form co-operative society to cultivate bamboo

Akim Asamama (E/R), April 1, GNA - A farmers' co-operative society for the cultivation of bamboo, citrus and pepper has been formed at Akim Asamama in the newly-created Atiwa District.

Mr Samuel Obeng, Chairman, told the GNA at Asamama on Tuesday that the society had acquired a 7.2-hectare plot of land had for the project. He said the project would serve as a source of income generation as well as promote cottage industrialisation and offer employment for the youth in the area. He said the society would request for financial support from the

Atiwa Rural Bank and receive training for members from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency(ADRA). Other members of the executive include Mr Joe Birikorang, vice-chairman and Mr Charles Abrokwaa, secretary.