Regional News of Monday, 29 June 2020

Source: Isaac Darko

Former GIJ Students donate to persons with disability in Volta Region

The team made donations at Mepe, Adidome and Adaklu on Saturday, June 27, 2020 The team made donations at Mepe, Adidome and Adaklu on Saturday, June 27, 2020

A non-governmental organization, "LiftUs Foundation" has donated five wheelchairs to some persons living with disability in the Volta region.

The team made donations at Mepe, Adidome and Adaklu on Saturday, June 27, 2020 where the youngest receiver of the gesture is an eleven-year-old boy who was born with the disability.

Other beneficiaries of the wheelchair were women who by accident and illness are unable to walk, thus needed the help.

The foundation which was founded by 8 friends of the Ghana Institute of Journalism Alumni in its first year has so far donated ten wheelchairs.

Beneficiaries of the wheelchairs narrated how long they have suffered without a wheelchair and as well thanked the 8 friends named 'Br3da Men' for their immense support.

The foundation hopes to scale up its donation to cater for all who need help as they are aimed at supporting the sick and disabled, promoting awareness regarding health issues and helping the poor and needy with food.

Meanwhile, the foundation stated that raising funds is the major issue and called on the public and well-meaning people of society to support a good course.
