Regional News of Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Source: GNA

GHS must intensify advertisements on coronavirus vaccine - Pastor

Apostle Benjamin Akukpe, Head Pastor of Great Lamb Evangelistic Ministry, on Tuesday called on the Ghana Health Service (GHS) and the Information Service Department to intensify advertisement on the AstraZeneca (the COVID-19) vaccine.

Apostle Akukpe told the Ghana News Agency at Tema during the COVID-19 Vaccination Exercise that there must be an upscale of public education on the efficacy of AstraZeneca vaccine as well as a public campaign to direct people to the centres designated for the vaccination.

He claimed that 75 per cent of the general population has been brainwashed through videos and social media news circulation from wrong sources which had depicted and imputed that the COVID-19 vaccine was dangerous.

Apostle Akukpe said state institutions including; the National Commission for Civic Education must join forces to sanitize the minds of people, there must be Radio, Television and general advertisements to clear the misconception and skepticism surrounding the vaccines.

He also called on religious leaders to join the campaign and encourage their congregation to take the vaccine.