Regional News of Sunday, 19 May 2013

Source: GNA

God has a new vision for Africa – Rev. Dadson

Reverend Frederick Barnacle Dadson, Assistant Head Pastor of Ghana Evangelical Society on Saturday observed that God has a new vision for Africa to reconcile the people with Him.

He said the truth is that God wants Africa to be delivered, set free and healed from pains, wounds, and woes of Satanism.

Rev. Dadson, who made the observation in Accra at a public lecture organised by the church on the theme: “The gates of glory are open,” to make its 40th anniversary and Africa Day 2013 celebrations.

He said Africa has to be redeemed from politico-economic order of weak and poor performance and socio-economic order of darkness and death, non-progress and desolation.

Rev. Dadson said the divine vision of a new Africa emanated from a vision of God for Ghana, a nation and people elected by the Creator as a chosen nation and a people for his inheritance in Africa.

“The Most High God’s vision is a nation and a people on a continent of Africa He cannot only call His people but also which can serve as a model inspiration for a new Africa of His kingdom, glory order, reign and rule in Africa,” he said.

Rev. Dadson said Ghana is now established as a Beulah Land, a nation and people of God married and set on the mountain of divine kingdom glory, the Star of Africa; declaring “Ghana is free! Africa is free!”

“The good news is that God has purposed to bring an end to the African tragedy through His divine intervention and heavenly ordered new things in Africa and the gentile nations through His Son, Jesus Christ,” he said.
