Regional News of Thursday, 1 January 2004

Source: GNA

Gomoa-Mprumem gets teaching and learning materials

Gomoa-Mprumem (C/R), Jan 1, GNA- More than 10 million cedis worth of teaching and learning materials, including textbooks and library books, were presented to the management of Gomoa-Mprumem Junior Secondary School (JSS) on Wednesday as part of activities marking the annual Akwanbo festival of the chief and people of Mprumem.

The donation was made by friends and well-wishers of Nana Dr. Obrafo Onwam, Odikro of Mprumem , a lecturer in America, as their contribution towards the promotion of education in the area. Ten years ago the donors contributed nearly 40,000 dollars to the construction of a junior secondary school block and a library for the town.
