Regional News of Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Source: GNA

Gowrie Senior High School-Technical wins debate

Bolgatanga, Jan 29, GNA- Gowrie Senior High School-Technical in the Bongo District, in the Upper East Region, came first in the annual inter-district debate competition, organised for Senior High Schools, in Bolgatanga. Master Daniel Owusu and Miss Theresa Ayariga of Gowrie Senior High School speaking against the motion "Ethnic Associations cause disunity in the Tertiary Institutions," argued that ethnic associations were breeding grounds for leaders of various groups who contributed to the promotion of democracy in Ghana.

They said it was na=EFve to think of Ghana without ethnicity and wondered whether all the presidential candidates for the 2008 Election were not from ethnic groups. Both speakers succeeded in overwhelmingly convincing the audience and had 34.6 points out of 50 points. Garu-Tempane Senor High School spoke against the notion and came second with 33.1 points while Bolgatanga Senior High School which spoke for the notion placed third.

Mr. Daniel Laari, Upper East Regional Education Directorate advised schools to form debating clubs as a way of improving the learning of the English Language. Mr. Laari commended the schools for their high performance but cautioned against reading from write-ups as that marred the beauty of debates. He urged Gowrie Senior High School-Technical which would be representing the Upper East Region at the inter-regional debate competition later in the year to work hard to enable it bring hour to the region.