Regional News of Thursday, 26 July 2012

Source: GNA

Human Right Advocacy Center mourns death of President Mills

The Human Right Advocacy Centre (HRAC) on Thursday expressed its deepest regret over the passing on to eternity of President John Evans Atta Mills.

In a statement signed by Nana Oye Lithur, the Executive Director of the HRAC, described President Mills as a champion of Human Right issues and a man passionate about curbing on Human Right violation, which was evident in the achievement during his time of office.

The statement noted that under the leadership of President Mills, Ghana made many great strides in the protection of Human Right in the country, “this month HRAC along with other NGOs, Civil Society Organizations, were pleased to learn the decision toward the acceptance of Constitutional Review Committee (CRC) to abolish death penalty in Ghana.”

Nana Oye said, developments have been made in the enactment of a Right to Information Bill, which will strengthen Ghana’s democracy by fostering accountability and transparency of Government processes and spending, under President Mills’ leadership, the Bill moved from the Executive to the Legislature for the first time.

Mills’ administration was passionate in supporting the eradication of corruption within key state institutions such as Parliament, the Police and the Military.

During this period of great change, much of it brought about by his vision and strong support for democracy and development.

HRAC stands in mourning with the people of Ghana in the difficult days ahead, but looks hopefully towards continued achievements in human rights protections.**
