Regional News of Sunday, 28 September 2014

Source: Anita Frimpong

Incident of Chieftaincy must be a thing of the past-Nii lante

The Deputy Minister of Local Government and rural development and a member of parliament for odododiodioo constituency, Nii Lante Vanderpuije has lamented that, incident of chieftaincy dispute among the Ga Dangbe’s traditional council should be address as a thing of the past.
He said chieftaincy disputes have given bad perception about the Ga Dangbe’s traditional council and the unnecessary chief enstoolment.
He said this at the colloquium program which falls under Homofest 2014, organized by the ministry of tourism, culture and creative arts and it development partners, with the theme: unity and development at the Accra international conference center.
The minister said using power to conquer a nation, community or individual among the traditional council thus not bring peace and unity among themselves but rather violent, crime and tribalism.
He made emphasis on the need to act as nationalistic and ignore the system of tribalism so that peace, unity, development and understanding to prevail,
This he said can also help in the development of the community.
The minister therefore blame the bad attitude of the Ga Dangbe’s as a result of cholera outbreak because sanitation issues hovering round the Accra metropolis is lack of ignorant among some chiefs and misunderstand including individuals leaving in the metropolis.
“This is the time for Ga Dangbe traditional council to rekindle and restore back the spirit of our forefathers to develop our communities and set examples for the youth. he pointed.
He calls on them to develop good attitude such as, social economic change, cultural and traditional change.
“People of Ga Dangbe’s must change from what they have allowed themselves to be for a pure revival’.
Minister of Tourism, culture and creative arts, Elizabeth Ofuso Adjare said colloquium aims at promoting initiative, opportunity to learn more on culture issues and also helps in socio economic and humanitarian issues in the greater Accra region.
She lamented that the role of culture practices has been exemplify t in many ways such as language, food, dance all activities that falls under culture in some regions inasmuch as the ministry core objective is to develop the values which forms integral part of human.
This she said because culture issues are important to the ministry and the country’s socio economic and environmental development.
There is the need to look into different level of culture believe and learn to improve forward. ‘She said.
Elizabeth said culture, creative and arts industry can be use to promote investment, reduce unemployment, trade income opportunity as well as sanitation issues in the country.
The queen mother’s also use the platform to express worry over teenage pregnancy been predominant in the community of Accra metropolis,.
Prof.Irene Odoti educate participant on the importance of their names given by parent, and the need to have collaboration because those names have it meaning and sometimes names are given based on believes develop by traditional rulers.
By Anita Frimpong
