Regional News of Monday, 3 October 2005

Source: GNA

Jamase district presby men's fellowship inaugurated

Jamasi (Ash), Oct. 3, GNA - The Jamasi District Presbyterian Men's Fellowship was on Sunday inaugurated with a call on officers to be fearless in admonishing members, when they go wrong to instil discipline into the fellowship.

The Reverend John Frempong, Minister in-charge of the Jamasi District of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, who preached the sermon at the inaugural ceremony, asked the members not to limit their activities to the church alone.

He asked them to take the initiative and get involve in other services so as to win more souls for the church. Rev. Frempong reminded them of the need to pray constantly and the importance of unity and said these would help them achieve their objectives.

He called for hard work from the leadership of the fellowship to enable them integrate the youth into the fellowship and also contribute their quota towards the development of the church, community and the nation at large.

Mr S. A. Owusu-Ansah is the president of the fellowship, with Mr Amos Amoasah as senior secretary, Mr S. Boateng, assistant secretary and Mr Owusu Sanah, treasurer.