Regional News of Friday, 26 February 2016

Source: GNA

Ketan Anglican JHS suffers “shit-bombing”

Teachers and pupils of Ketan Anglican Junior High School in the Western region arrived to school to witness human faeces smeared on their premises including doors, windows and padlocks.

A teacher at the school, Mr Matthew Eshun, told the media this was the second time the incident has occurred in three days.

He said the first incident occurred last Friday, February 19, and second one was on Monday, February 22, and both incidents distracted classes.

Mr Eshun said the Metropolitan Education Directorate of the Ghana Education Service and city authorities were informed the culprits are still unknown and nothing has been done to stop the heinous act.

Meanwhile, Mr Marcarious Zoogah, Metropolitan Education Supervisor in charge of Teaching and Learning, confirmed the incident to the GNA saying the circuit supervisor had visited the school while the Education Directorate had held discussion with the authorities of the school, to ascertain the possible reasons behind the action.

He said the Education Directorate would hold another meeting with the School Management Committee to find a lasting solution to the matter.