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Regional News of Friday, 21 June 2024

Source: MLGDRD

Local government minister inspects developmental projects in Northern, Upper East regions

Martin Korsah being taken round one of the project sites play videoMartin Korsah being taken round one of the project sites

Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, the Minister for the Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD), has completed a working visit to the Northern and Upper East Regions to inspect projects being undertaken under the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) Project and the Ghana Secondary Cities Support Program (GSCSP).

The minister visited some project sites at Azogbeli, Sagnerigu, and Yendi on the first day, as part of the two-day tour to inspect work done so far and to meet with contractors.

The project sites visited were the Sagnarigu Livestock Market, Nanumba CHPS Compound, Sagnerigu Lockable Stores and a storey building, Azogbeli Astro Turf Park and Yendi lockable stores at the Central market.

The minister commended the progress of work and encouraged the contractors to fast-track the completion of the projects for the benefit of the communities.

One of the chiefs of the communities expressed their gratitude to the government for the projects.