Regional News of Friday, 10 May 2013

Source: Mina Okuru/Public Diplomacy Coordinator - Embassy of Israel

MASHAV to launch its ghana chapter alumni club

The Israeli Embassy in Ghana will officially launch a club dedicated to all alumni and individuals who have benefitted from the training of its international Development Agency (MASHAV) over the years.

The Ghana Chapter of the Shalom Club will officially be launched on May 25, 2013; and will include the screening of the documentary “Kumasi-Haifa” which follow’s MASHAV’s Early Childhood Education program in Kumasi, at its first years. The alumni club will provide Ghanaian experts and professionals in various fields a unique platform to network, share experiences and ideas, get professional updates and initiate activities to the benefit of Ghanaian society. The event will bring together individuals who have been trained through MASHAV, in Israel or in Ghana, to interact and network among themselves.

MASHAV maintains contact with many of its over 200,000 former course participants through its network of over 70 Shalom Clubs worldwide. These clubs serve as a forum for MASHAV alumni to participate in professional and social activities. Members of the Chub are usually invited to attend local lectures by skilled experts, to exchange ideas and to organize technical cooperation and humanitarian assistance, as well as hold cultural functions.

Israeli Ambassador to Ghana, Her Excellency Madam Sharon Bar-li, noted“we are excited to launch the Shalom Club in Ghana for the first time. We are proud to see that our alumni has reached top positions in their professional fields and in the Ghanaian public sector, and now are in positions of influence and decision making. MASHAV is training individuals and empowering them to lead change and impart the know-how that they’ve acquired, upon their peers. Today, we are bringing all these individuals together in order to amplify the impact they can and should make”. The Ambassador added that, it is heart-warming to notice the diversity of the alumni – men and women, from all ten regions of Ghana, younger and older. She noted that some of the club members were trained in Israel as far back as 1969.
