Regional News of Saturday, 13 October 2018


Manhyia district hospital is unique – Stakeholders

Frontage of the Manhyia District Hospital Frontage of the Manhyia District Hospital

Stakeholders and some residents who seek healthcare at the Manhyia district hospital in Kumasi, have described the hospital's service as unique.
The stakeholders included the chiefs representing the Zango community, Police, fire service, the Assembly to mention just few consultatively commended the management and staff of the hospital for redefining their services to meet professional standards.

The stakeholders were giving their feedbacks at the 2018 peer review session held to access the performances of the hospital.
The peer review which is done at the district is to assess the performance of these hospitals and score them marks.

The district hospital with the highest mark will be adjourned the best in the region.
Ashanti region deputy director of the pharmaceutical services, Kofi Baryeh says, the essence of the peer review is to improve good quality service within the various district hospitals.

According to Mr. Baryeh, the review has rather brought a lot of changes to the hospital including infections prevention.
The administrator of the hospital, Mr. Samuel Dodzi mentions that, the assessments have been fair and a true reflection of what happens at the hospital.

He admits that, their expectations were not met, and assures management will work towards putting things in order.
For years now, the Manhyia district hospital, Kumasi in the Ashanti Region has seen a significant standardization in terms of quality services, infrastructure, staffs, management among others.

It was adjourned the best district hospital in 2015, the second best in 2016, and the best in the 2017 after the peer review in the Region.
2018 best district hospital in the Ashanti Region will be made made after all the district hospitals have been peer reviewed.
