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Regional News of Friday, 21 June 2024


Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah assures Tempane community of continued govt projects to ease their lives

Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah with some of the leaders at Tempane during the tour play videoMartin Adjei-Mensah Korsah with some of the leaders at Tempane during the tour

The Minister for Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development, Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, has reassured residents of Tempane in the Upper East Region that the government will continue to build more sub-projects under the Gulf of Guinea Social Cohesion (SOCO).

This, he said, will make life easy for the people in the community and in the community.

He made this known when he toured the region as part of a tour of the SOCO area under which a culvert linking the Gbengbeman, Kpalsako, Nipabra, Tinbun, Tafakpan, and Charpinin communities, which borders Togo has been constructed.

In a statement shared with GhanaWeb, Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, also expressed satisfaction about the progress of work done so far on the SOCO project.

One of the beneficiaries in the Tempane community, Zuwera, expressed her joy at the project, stating "We are grateful to the government for this culvert as we had to swim to cross from one community to the other during rainy seasons."