Regional News of Thursday, 11 November 2004

Source: GNA

Methodist Church donates wheelchair to crippled teacher

Mpasatia (Ash), Nov. 11, GNA - The Susana Wesley Mission Auxiliary of the Mamprobi Methodist Church in Accra has donated a wheelchair to Mr Emmanuel Asante, a crippled Craft Instructor at the Mpasatia Local

Authority Primary School in the Atwima District of Ashanti. The donation of the wheelchair followed an appeal made through the press last month for assistance to the teacher to enhance his mobility. Mr Asare Bediako Baffour, an Assistant Director of Education who presented the wheelchair on behalf of the donors noted that the gesture was a manifestation of the Church's love for the needy.

He expressed gratitude to the Church for the gesture and said the District Directorate of Education greatly appreciated it.

Mr Stephen Debrah Gyasi, Peripatetic Officer at the District Education Directorate said the presentation of the wheelchair was timely and that the beneficiary teacher had been crawling to school following the breakdown of an old wheelchair he was using.

Mr Asante, the beneficiary expressed his profound gratitude to the donors for assisting him and asked for God's guidance and blessings for them and the prosperity of the Church.
