Regional News of Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Source: GNA

NCCE launches programme to discourage youth from drugs

A four-day workshop to help expose young people to the dangers of narcotic drugs use opened at the Washington View Hotel at Akyawkrom in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality on Tuesday.

It was put together by the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) with support from the German Embassy in Accra.

In attendance were school children drawn from Ashanti and the Brong-Ahafo Regions. “Own your future” was the theme.

Mrs Augustina Akosua Kumi, Deputy National Chairperson of the Commission, said the goal was to assist provide more protection for the youth amidst the growing drugs use and trafficking.

She said it was worrying that in spite of the country’s strict legal regime, the hard drugs business and misuse had continued.

As part of the strategy to tackle this, the NCCE was stepping up the campaign to promote good citizenship and civic responsibility among the youth.

She said they were focusing on aiding them to take responsibility for the own future by distancing themselves from crime and other socially reprehensible conduct.

They would train at least 10 selected youth volunteers in 20 selected pilot districts, who would serve as peer educators to turn their peer group members away from drugs.

Mr Alhassan Yakubu, the Ashanti Regional NCCE Director, reminded the youth not only to “say no to drugs” but to support efforts at combating the menace.
