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Regional News of Friday, 21 June 2024

Source: Amanda Atunah, Contributor

NSS urges tech adoption among students

Armstrong Esaah, NSS Director of Corporate Affairs Armstrong Esaah, NSS Director of Corporate Affairs

The Corporate Affairs Director of the National Service Scheme (NSS), Armstrong Esaah, has called on students to embrace technology to advance their employability and entrepreneurial prospects.

He made the call during a forum in Accra, organized by Social Enterprise Ghana, in partnership with Accra Technical University, City University London, and the British Council. It was dubbed, "Developing Student Entrepreneurs for Sustainable Development and Impact: Government of Ghana's Agenda for Young Entrepreneurs."

Sustainable Development

Armstrong Esaah emphasized the crucial role young entrepreneurs play in achieving sustainable development and highlighted the Government of Ghana's commitment to nurturing the entrepreneurial spirit among students. "I must mention that several government initiatives have been designed to support young entrepreneurs, including the National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (NEIP), the Youth Employment Agency (YEA), and the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA). These programmes offer training, funding, and mentorship, empowering thousands of young entrepreneurs to create jobs and drive economic growth," he noted.

He touched on the fact that, under the leadership of Mr. Osei Assibey Antwi, the NSS has integrated entrepreneurial training into its program. He explained that this initiative equips graduates with essential business skills, enhancing their employability and enabling them to start their own ventures. "There are quite a number of successes I can highlight today. They include the Youth in Agriculture Programme and the establishment of technology and innovation hubs in partnership with GhanaTechLab, among other key areas time wouldn't permit me to mention," he stated.

Youth Entrepreneurship

The forum, according to him, promoted the importance of youth entrepreneurship in enhancing sustainable development. He added that the collaborative efforts between Social Enterprise Ghana, educational institutions, and international partners aim to create an environment where young entrepreneurs can thrive.

"I want to believe that the message was clear. With the right support and resources, you can drive the nation's economic growth and development through innovation and entrepreneurship," he said. Mr. Esaah shared inspiring stories of young graduates who have transformed their ideas into successful businesses, contributing significantly to their communities and the national economy. He urged students to seize these opportunities, innovate, and lead.

"Entrepreneurship is about creating value and making a lasting societal impact. The forum is meant to celebrate the collaborative efforts of Social Enterprise Ghana, educational institutions, and international partners to create a conducive environment for student entrepreneurs like yourself. Make good use of this opportunity," he advised. He urged the students to make good use of their time and work assiduously to brighten the corner where they live.