Regional News of Friday, 8 June 2018


Newmont Akyem Mines mark World Environment Day

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The Newmont Golden Ridge Limited, Akyem Mines in collaboration with the Birim North Traditional Authorities has organized a tree planting exercise and collection of plastic waste to mark the celebration of the World Environment Day.

Mr Felix Apoh, the Sustainability and External Relations Manager of Newmont Akyem Mines, said about 120 different species of trees such as polyantra, visual palm and cassia were planted in the Old Abirem Anglican and Old Abirem D/A schools.

He said the trees were planted to serve as windbreakers as well as to enhance the school's ecosystem.

He said to ensure sustainable mining, Newmont has replaced the 101 hectares of the Ajenjua Bepo Forest Reserve which was affected by the development of the mines by replanting 317 hectares of the forest with 30 tree species to enhance biodiversity in the area.

Apoh urged the schools to practice good environmental management by taking good care of the trees.

Obrempong Kwesi Amoh Kyiretwie I, the Chief of Abirem and the Acting Kotoku Gyaasehene, said they chose the two public schools for the program to help create an enabling environment for the students in the area.

He expressed satisfaction with the increment in enrolment in the two selected schools but pleaded that furniture and computers be provided to the schools to ensure effective teaching and learning.

Nana called on the teachers to put waste bins at vantage points on the compound to help keep the environment clean.
