Regional News of Wednesday, 12 April 2017


Newmont supports NABA Life Foundation to promote education

NABA Life team members in a group photograph after a donation NABA Life team members in a group photograph after a donation

Newmont Ghana Gold Limited one of the leading gold mining companies in the country with two mining sites Ahafo and Akyem mines has supported NABA Life Foundation (NLF), “Regional Educational Tour Donation”.

According to the Founder, Ms. Dorcas Aba Annan, the Regional Educational Tour Donation is a new project which will be implemented by visiting some selected deprived community schools in some selected regions among the ten regions of the country and support them with educational materials as well as empowering them to embrace girl-child education in some of the communities who deprive the young girls their right to education.

“The aim of this project is to promote education in the rural communities by motivating and empowering them to become great leaders and also sharing educational materials to them. The schools selected to help under this project are dire need of educational materials as most of the young girls in such schools end up having contact with older men for money to purchase some books or pens; hence, resulting in teenage pregnancy and other sexual assult ”, Ms. Annan added.

She stressed that, even though the government entities are putting all mechanisms in place to promote the educational sector espercially at the rural communities, it is also the responsibility of the civil society organisation and non-governmental organisations to also contribute their quota in assisting to build the educational sector with educational materials, renovations and mentoring the young ones.

Ms. Annan revealead that, the six (6) months project which will begin in March, 2017 through till end of September will be implemented in three regions of Ghana which includes the Greater Accra Region, Western Region and Eastern Region;adding it will be implemented in the other regions when they receive more funding from other donors and other companies as well.

Mr. Foster Boafo, Board Chair of the organization commended Newmont Ghana Gold Limited for their kind gesture and urged other stakeholders in the field of education, religious groups, corprate institutions and individuals to emulate the great effort from Newmont Ghana has done, to also support other NGOs who strive to promote education in rural communities.

NABA Life Foundation (NLF), is a registered non-governmental organization in Ghana which has its mission to provide Care and support to orphans, less privileged and widows, promote education and health in rural communities in Ghana and Africa at large.