Regional News of Sunday, 20 June 2010

Source: GNA

Nkoranza District acquires 300 hectares of land for afforestation

Ayerede (B/A), June 20, GNA - Nkoranza District Assembly has acquired 300 hectares of land in response to government's national forest plantation programme and to offer employment to unemployed youth. The farm lands are at Ayerede, Atekoano, Abuontem and Nyinase. Mr Emmanuel Kwadwo Agyekum, Nkoranza District Chief Executive, announced this when he took the Ghana News Agency round to inspect the lands in the selected communities.

He said officials of the Forestry Division had been charged to offer technical advice for the successful implementation of the programme. The officials will ensure land preparation, arrangement of the plant population and growth, as well as their protection, the DCE added. Mr Agyekum said timber species including mahogany, odum, wawa and fruit trees such as mangoes would be cultivated and advised the unemployed youth to take advantage of the programme.

The DCE called on the traditional authorities and caretakers of beneficiary communities to encourage the youth to patronize the project to enhance the development of their areas. Mr Agyekum announced that government would allocate one third of the lands for afforestation projects to communities that would release lands for the programme in appreciation of the people's concern for the protection of the environment. 20 June 10