Regional News of Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Source: Nolbed Foundation

Nolbed lauds the creation of the new Ministerial Portfolio

for Inner City and Zongo

The creation of the Ministry for Inner City & Zongo Development by the NPP administration is
among the best ideas ever to be introduced in Ghanaian politics. It presents a solution to the
current nightmare faced by most African nations: how to tap the benefits of its demographic
transition to spur economic growth and avoid the economic distress demographic transition
presents. Additionally, it proves that the new administration is not merely paying lip service to the
underprivileged communities and it sends a strong message that President Akuffo-Addo is
determined to extend his agenda of social mobility and economic prosperity to all Ghanaians.
A critical look at the 2010 population data indicates that the nation’s working-age population
(WAP) is around 65 percent in 2017 and will increase by 5 million to 84 percent in the next ten

In short, the country’s WAP is growing rapidly, and without a long-term systemic solution
that provides opportunities, idle energy and the lack of employment are likely to create social
tension and direct the youth to engage in criminal activities and other social vices. It is Nolbed’s
fervent hope that the work of the new Ministry will addresssuch concerns.
Lastly, President Akufo-Ado’s appointment of Honorary MP Abubakar Saddique Boniface to lead
the ministry is another great step in the right direction, as he is someone who is not only from the
Zongo but has a proven record of representing and working on behalf of the community.

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Phone - (646) 361-8724