Regional News of Wednesday, 31 August 2005

Source: GNA

Parents urged to steer children away from bad company

Nkoranza (B/A), Aug. 31, GNA - Madam Georgina Boateng, patron of an Abstinence Club at Sessiman, a suburb of Nkoranza, has urged parents to show love and sympathy to their children and help them to address their problems to steer them away from bad peer groups.

The Club, known as 'Catch them Young', has 75 girls aged between 10 and 17 years and have been brought together to mould them to lead upright lives and to shun pre-marital sexual practices.

Madam Boateng, speaking at a forum to educate parents on their roles and responsibilities to their children's development, Madam Boateng expressed concern about the number of parents who shirked their tasks to their children who would take to the streets to engaged in social vices.

She said a research she conducted in the community showed that children from broken homes were often found in the street, as they were not properly controlled in the home.

Madam Boateng advised parents to show love for and provide the basic needs of their daughters and not to rebuke them in public. Mr Joseph Abrokwa, an executive member of the Club urged parents to encourage their children to attend church services regularly. He announced that the girls of the Club were offered training in Home Management, Bakery and Tie and Dye printing.

Madam Juliana Asante Boamah, also an executive member of the Club urged parents to check their children against watching pornographic films on television and at video centres as the practices often led children to pick up undesirable lifestyles and behaviours. 31 Aug. 05