Regional News of Monday, 10 August 2020

Source: William Nii Lante Lamptey Issaka Amon Kotei

Pokuase enstools new Queen Mother following demise of Naa Densua III

Naa Klorkai Densua IV was enstooled under the auspices of Nii Otto Kwame V on the  of July 25, 2020 Naa Klorkai Densua IV was enstooled under the auspices of Nii Otto Kwame V on the of July 25, 2020

The people of Pokuase have enstooled a new Queen Mother Naa Klokai Densua IV following the demise of Queen Naa Densua III.

The newly enstooled Queen Mother is officially named Hawa Naa Merley Laryea and goes by the stool name Naa Klorkai Densua IV, the Queen mother of Pokuase.

She is a royal and direct descendant of Naa Densua clan of Pokuase and from Otoblafo, the founder of Otublohum.

Naa Klorkai Densua IV was enstooled under the auspices of Nii Otto Kwame V on the of July 25, 2020 after a week-long in-door traditional rites were observed.

Naa Klorkai Densua IV claims her right to the stool through her descendant to the Naa Densua Family of Pokuase.

The throne was unoccupied for the past two years due to the demise of the then Naa Densua III.

The stool is directly under the Otublohum Paramouncy, under the care of Nii Doodo Nsaki of Accra (Otublohum Mantse). The current chief of Pokuase is Nii Otto Kwame V, a very noble and humble leader.

Naa Klokai Densua IV (the Queen mother of Pokuase) is 48 years old and married with four children.

Naa Klorkai Densua IV is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Queen Hawa Foundation. She supervises an orphanage and needy children’s home, old people homes and runs microfinance for women.

Her passion is to assist the under privileged and vulnerable persons in society, hence her foundation serving as a platform to alleviate poverty.

She is a product of the Brown Cross Nursing School in United Kingdom as a Healthcare Assistant and Accra Polytechnic where she pursued Catering and Hotel Management.

Pokuase is in the Ga-North Municipality under the Otublohum paramouncy of Accra.