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Regional News of Sunday, 23 June 2024


Pusiga Astroturf Pitch: They said it was a scam but it’s now a reality – NPP PC

NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Pusiga Constituency, Alhaji Abdul-Wahab Hanan Aludiba NPP Parliamentary Candidate for Pusiga Constituency, Alhaji Abdul-Wahab Hanan Aludiba

New Patriotic Party parliamentary candidate for the Pusiga Constituency in the Upper East Region, Alhaji Abdul-Wahab Hanan Aludiba, has reiterated his commitment to the development of the Pusisga Constituency, stressing that he will stop at nothing to ensure that development reaches the constituents even as he implores them to vote for him.

Speaking during the commissioning of the Pusiga Astroturf on Tuesday, Alhaji Aludiba noted how naysayers, after the sod was cut for the project, said it was a scam only for the project to be actualised in furtherance of the development of the constituency.

“When we came to cut the sod for the astroturf, some said it was a scam. But today, we can see the reality,” he hit back at critics as the commissioning of the pitch," he said.

He noted that through his instrumentality, he has brought several development projects to the Constituency, including the astroturf pitch, but lamented that his not being MP has put a limitation on how far he can go in his search and lobbying for the Constituency.

“I told you: I know the routes; I have the connections. Today, I am standing before you as the parliamentary candidate of the NPP. I have done so much just being a candidate. I am appealing to you to send me there[ to the Parliament of Ghana as your representative]. [This is because] there are some places when I go, they ask me if I am a Member of Parliament."

"I cannot penetrate if I don’t have the title ‘MP’. Give me the mandate, and I will not disappoint the good people of Pusiga,” he entreated the constituents.

Alhaji Aludiba, who is also the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Buffer Stock Company Limited will face off with the incumbent MP, Laadi Ayii Ayamba of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the parliamentary elections come December 7, 2024.