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Regional News of Monday, 24 June 2024


Regulate church activities to stop exploitation, fake prophecies - Lecturer to Christian Council

Dr. Stephen Appiah Takyi Dr. Stephen Appiah Takyi

A senior lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Dr. Stephen Appiah Takyi, has called on the Christian Council of Ghana to regulate church activities to reduce emotional and economic exploitation.

"I have always advocated for the establishment of systems to control church activities in order to reduce the rot in the system," he said.

"While I believe the government should not get involved too much in this matter, I think major religious bodies can lead the charge to ensure their colleagues who are glaringly misleading people in the name of religion are brought back on track," he added.

The lecturer in the Planning Department made these comments on Kumasi-based OTEC 102.9 FM's morning show, Nyansapo, on Tuesday, June 18, 2024.

He expressed concern over prophecies by some prophets in the country that end up causing violence among families.

"Any prophecy that brings division among families and causes chaos in a society is not God's direction," he told the program's host, Andrews Akuoko Korankye, also known as Captain Koda.

Dr. Appiah Takyi's comments follow a report of a 55-year-old woman who allegedly stabbed her 76-year-old mother to death at Abuakwa Asonomaso.

The suspect, Joyce Boateng, was said to have killed her mother, Afia Sarpomaah, after a pastor declared the deceased a witch behind the suspect's woes.