Regional News of Tuesday, 24 February 2004

Source: GNA

Roll Back Malaria programme will fail if - cautions Dr Abebrese.

Kumasi, Feb.24, GNA - Dr Frank Abebrese, Medical Superintendent at the Kumasi South hospital at Chirapatre has cautioned that the Roll Back Malaria programme will fail if the current environmental situation and pollution continued.

If the current dirty environment, particularly chocked gutters, the pile of garbage and indiscriminate disposal of garbage were allowed to continue, many more people are going to suffer from or possibly die from malaria.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency in an interview in Kumasi on Friday about the impact of the Roll Back Malaria programme, Dr Abebrese attributed the increase in malaria cases in the region to the dirty environment and the reluctance of people to buy and use the insecticide mosquito nets.

He therefore, called on the people to adopt stringent measures that would enable them to live in clean environments since that would help check the breeding and spread of mosquitoes.

Dr Abebrese asked the people to sacrifice and buy the insecticide mosquito nets since it will save them the cost of treating malaria. He called for regular check of their blood pressure to enable them to know their health status and seek advice from health personnel as to what to do to keep healthy.
