Regional News of Friday, 14 June 2013


Sensitisation Workshop For Media Practioners In Northen Region

A one day media sensitisation workshop organized by the Ministry of Local Government and Rural studies(MLGRD), inconjuction with the ministry of Information media Relations was organized for the media practitioners in the Northern Region, to promote transparency and accountability on the Local Governance system at the metropolitan, Municipal, and Districts Assemblies(MMDAs) in the region.
In his opening addressed the Regional information Officer (RIO), Mr. Abdul-Khassim Mejdida, emphasised that strengthening the capacity of the Media practitioners on the Local governance concept at the District assemblies, is very critical in their quest to promote issues of transparency and accountability.
Mr. Medjida, made this remarks on Wednesday in Tamale in the Northern Regional Capital, at the Workshop with the sole objective to assist the development of media network with increased knowledge and capacity to report on Local government financial management issues.
He used the occasion to appeal to the Journalists who have had the rare opportunity to be part of the workshop to make effective use of the knowledge they would be garnered, thereby enhancing living standard of the Ghanaian citizenry.
At the workshop, there were two Resource persons from the MLGRD, who have taken the press on the topics; such as Social Accountability and the Overview of the local government capacity Support project.
A member of social accountability unit of the MLGRD Mr. Elvis Otoo, took the participants on the Social Accountability, whiles Mr.Jonathan Aboagy, presented on the Overview of the Local government Capacity Support project.
At the end of the workshop the press were asked to form a media network that would aim at promoting transparency and accountability in the Northern Region.
In an interview with the metro TV regional correspondence Mr. Isaac Nonya, about his general impression on the workshop, He expressed his satisfaction about it, but was quick to add that issues about financial accountability should continue to be given more education in order for them to appreciate it much better such that they can report on them appropriately.

