Regional News of Friday, 11 November 2005

Source: GNA

Shai Osudoku MP appeals for rice drying floors

Accra, Nov. 11, GNA - Mr David Tetteh Assumeng, Member for Shai Osudoku, on Friday appealed to the Government to provide more rice drying floors to encourage rice farmers in his area to produce more rice.

He expressed gratitude to the Government for providing two out of the five drying floors it promised the people but said "they need the extra three and others to dry their bounties" In an interview with the Ghana News Agency, Mr Assumeng said the farmers in the area had a bumper rice harvest but the produce might lose its quality without proper drying. He also appealed to bulk rice-purchasing companies to buy from the area as" we have so much to sell but few buyers". Mr Assumeng called for the tarring of the Asutsuare-Aveyime road, which he said would ease the transportation of people and goods in that corridor. He said the road, though rough and bumpy, was used when carrying the critically ill to the Bartor Hospital in the Volta Region. 11 Nov. 05
