Residents of Sefwi Yamankwanta, a farming community within the Bia West District of the Western Region are raising fears of repeated snake bites on their farms and the community.
According to the residents who are predominantly farmers, they suspect that the snakes are increasing by the day and putting their lives of the in danger.
One farmer, Mr. Kwaku Kuwele is said to have lost his life from a snake bite.
From the reports gathered, the deceased died due to unavailability of drugs to treat him.
Residents have therefore called on authorities to come to their aid to prevent any further casualties.
A similar incident occurred in the Ejisu Municipality of the Ashanti Region after venomous snakes in their hundreds invaded the communities-causing fear and panic among the people.
A fear-gripped resident, said she no longer felt safe sleeping in her house, for fear of being bitten by the snakes.