Regional News of Thursday, 30 June 2005

Source: GNA

Spanish NGO assists Buruli Ulcer project

Agroyesum (Ash), June 30, GNA - A Spanish Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), ANESVAD, has provided 49,000 dollars to the Buruli Ulcer Project for training of buruli ulcer personnel and outreach visits to 29 endemic communities in the Amansie West District this year. Part of the money has also been used to buy a tele-projector, two motor bicycles, and 86 bicycles for volunteers.

Mr Joseph Adomako, the Amansie West District Director of Health Services, said last year ANESVAD gave the project 52,000 dollars. The money was used to buy a Toyota pickup, two motor bicycles, a generator, an overhead projector and a screen as well as training for the early detection of the disease.

Speaking at a five-day Buruli Ulcer Dressing workshop for 16 health aids and ward assistants in the Amansie West District at the Saint Martin's Catholic Hospital at Agroyesum on Tuesday, he said the training for the early detection of the disease has seen an increase in the number of reported cases at the hospital. Mr Adomako said this had also brought in its wake extra work for the only medical doctor at the hospital and therefore renewed the appeal for additional doctors.

Dr Kofi Asare, Ashanti Regional Director of Health Services, said the early detection and removal of the nodules would help to reduce the devastating effect the disease has on its victims. He later visited Manso-Adubia and Tontokrom Health centres to get first hand information on problems facing them. At Manso-Adubia Nana Boafo, the medical assistant, appealed to the Ministry of Health and the district assembly to renovate the health centre.

Miss Paulina Priscilla Opei, a Deputy Director of Nursing Services at the Agroyesum Hospital, appealed to the Ministry of Health to provide beds and mattresses for the new buruli ulcer ward built by the assembly.
