Regional News of Wednesday, 14 January 2004

Source: GNA

Stakeholders urged to support WSD programme

Begoro (E/R), Jan. 14, GNA - An eight-day orientation workshop for 22 head teachers in the Fanteakwa District on the expanded programme on the Whole School Development (WSD) project under the FCUBE programme began at Begoro on Monday.

The workshop is being organized by the Ghana Education Service (GES) with sponsorship from the British Department for International Development (DFID) to equip the head teachers with the skills to enable them manage their schools properly.

Topics to be treated include the use of Basic Curriculum Materials in lesson notes preparation, organization and management of schools, cluster-based in-service training for teachers, Institutional Supervision and Teaching and Learning materials preparation. Opening the workshop, Mr. Maxwell Assem, the GES District Training Officer, urged all stakeholders in education to support the WSD programme implementation to ensure its success.

He said the WSD programme was designed to improve teaching and learning under the FCUBE programme. 14 Jan 04
