Regional News of Thursday, 24 July 2003

Source: GNA

Two hundred brick producer's benefit from quality control skills

Fumesua (Ash), July 24, GNA - More than 200 small-scale brick producers have since 1988 benefited from quality control training schemes of the Building and Road Research Institute (BRRI) under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Works and Housing.

The training scheme forms part BRRI's measures to assist small-scale brick producers to enhance standards and quality in their production and to expand production.

Mr Kwaku Amoa-Mensah, Director of the BRRI, said this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency at Fumesua, near Kumasi on Thursday.

Mr Amoa-Mensah said to guarantee ready market for products of the trained small-scale brick producers the institute had organised eight of such brick producers at Mfensi in the Atwima District into a co-operative group.

He said the co-operative system would be extended to cover other brick producers in the country soon.

''Since most organisations and individuals know the Institute as an entity that researches into such building materials almost all demands for bricks are made through the Institute.''

The Institute then links up with the small-scale brick producing co-operative group for supply of the quantity requested by the customer. Mr Amoa-Mensah said BRRI supervised production of the bricks to ensure that they met standards and requisite specifications.

"This apart the Institute also assists the producers to study the terrain and identify clay deposits which are in turn developed and used as raw materials for the manufacture of the bricks."