Regional News of Saturday, 7 June 2003

Source: gna

Volta Region benefits from more projects under SIF

Social Investment Fund (SIF) is undertaking 76 development projects estimated at 10 billion cedis in five selected districts in the Volta Region.

The beneficiary districts are Ho, Keta, Kpando, Kadjebi and Nkwanta where school blocks, teachers' bungalows, health facilities, skill and capacity development and income generating ventures are being provided.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in an interview at Ho on Thursday, Mr Desmond Duametu, Volta Regional Officer of the SIF said other projects would also be undertaken in the Ketu and Kete Krachi districts.

He said the African Development Bank (ADB), UNDP, OPEC Fund and the Government of Ghana are funding the projects.

Mr Duametu said the SIF as one of the poverty reduction strategies of government, is geared towards providing support to rural and urban poor communities towards the attainment of self-sufficiency.

He explained that SIF is a cost-sharing project under which the Fund bears 75 percent of the cost of projects and the beneficiary District Assemblies and communities provide the remaining 15 percent and 10 percent respectively.

Mr Duametu, therefore, appealed to the District Assemblies and the beneficiary communities to pay their contributions promptly for the projects to be completed on schedule.