Regional News of Wednesday, 12 August 2020


Year of Roads: Work on Atebubu town roads stalls as contractor abandons work

The abandoned Atebubu road The abandoned Atebubu road

Correspondence from Bono Region:

Work on the Atebubu town roads in the Atebubu-Amantin Municipality of the Bono East region has stalled with the contractor, not on site.

The 3.0 kilometres rehabilitation works awarded to Messrs Mukwano Golden, was started in March 2020 and is expected to be completed within 12 months.

A visit to the project by Ghanaweb revealed that even though the contractor has started the construction of the drainage system, no construction work was on-going at the time of the visit.

Checks by Ghanaweb revealed that the contractor left the site about three months ago after starting preparation of the existing base course layer and starting the construction of the drainage system.

Some residents told Ghanaweb that they are surprised the contractor is not on the site because the project is a priority project for the government and the people of Atebubu.

They revealed that they want the contractor back on site as a matter of urgency as the people of Atebubu have been yearning for the completion of the roads which will make movement easy for residents in the town.

“The Atebubu town roads are something we have been wishing for years and we were glad when it captured in the budget under the year of roads but sadly the road is not progressing as expected. The contractor started preparatory and some construction works but he is nowhere to be found now. We are there appealing to the government to intervene for the contractor to return to the site for the timely completion of projects.”

Efforts to contact the contractor, Messrs Mukwano Golden, at the time of filing this report were unsuccessful.

Meanwhile, a policy review document in the 2020 mid-year fiscal policy review by the Ministry of Finance captures the road at the mobilization with a percentage of 27 per cent.